HabitatInformal WorkLivelihoods #4 Addressing varied needs with emergency relief services An update on Together We Can: Spread Love not Corona and associated efforts India’s COVID-19…YUVAApril 11, 2020
HabitatInformal Work #3: टुगेदर वी कैन: स्प्रेड लव, नॉट कोरोना कोविड-19 के चलते हमारे राहत कार्य पर एक ख़बर बढ़ती भेद्यता आज जब भारत प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र…Sheeva DubeyApril 10, 2020
HabitatInformal Work #3 Together We Can: Spread Love Not Corona An update on COVID-19 emergency relief efforts Vulnerabilities Grow As India enters Day 9 of the…YUVAApril 3, 2020
HabitatInformal Work Reflecting on emergency relief distribution efforts Humanity and solidarity: The need of the hour This blog was originally written in Marathi, scroll…Sachin NachnekarMarch 30, 2020
HabitatInformal WorkLivelihoods #2: बढ़ती भेद्यता, लॉकडाउन और मज़बूत होती एकजुटता वर्तमान घटनाक्रम के बीच Together We Can अभियान की स्थिति बढ़ता संकटकाल महाराष्ट्र में COVID-19 मामलों…YUVAMarch 26, 2020
HabitatInformal Work #1: COVID-19 महामारी के दौरान मुंबई महानगर में शहरी ग़रीबों की स्थिति का संक्षिप्त विश्लेषण पिछले कई दिनों से भारत में COVID-19 के मरीज़ों की संख्या में तेज़ वृद्धि हो…YUVAMarch 26, 2020
HabitatInformal WorkLivelihoods #2: Growing vulnerabilities, lockdown and building solidarities Locating the Together We Can campaign within current developments The Increasing Crisis With a rapid…YUVAMarch 23, 2020
GovernanceHabitatInformal WorkLivelihoods #1: Rapid situation analysis of the state of the urban poor in Greater Mumbai during the COVID-19 Over the last several days, India’s COVID-19 count has spiked (currently at 180). There is…YUVAMarch 20, 2020
Narrative ChangeYouth Work #ComplexCity: Reframing the urban The Living Mumbai Film Festival 2020 Why do films oscillate between entertainment or education? Why is…Aayushi BenganiMarch 14, 2020
GovernanceHabitatInformal Work माता रमाई नगर झालं बेघर — कोण जबाबदार? गुण्यागोविंदाने राहात असलेले माता रमाई नगर चे रहिवासी आज बेघर झाले आहेत. आपण म्हणाल यात…Raju VanjareMarch 4, 2020